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Get Involved

The input of New Kent County citizens is critical to the 2045 Comprehensive Plan.  The planning process includes three phases of public input, providing a range of opportunities to be involved in planning for New Kents future in 2045 and beyond.


Draft Plan Open House


          Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024     |     New Kent Middle School Cafeteria     |     6:00 - 8:00 pm


We are excited to share draft elements of the 2045 Comprehensive Plan and would love your input. This is your chance to review the plan, ask questions, and provide feedback that will guide the future growth and development of our community.



Phase 1 Input

An October 12th, 2023 Open House introduced the Comprehensive Plan process and collected input on strengths, challenges, growth issues, and more.  At the same time, an online survey was launched, allowing additional input.


Phase 2 Input

A series of three public meetings held throughout the county in June 2023 used mapping exercises to collect public input on land use and transportation conditions and needs.  An online collaborative map was also launched to allow input from citizens who could not attend in person.




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